The book: The Hand: The Mirror of the Soul, Diagnostic and Applied Hand Reading
The book was published in 2017 and is available on Amazon.
The book was first published in Hebrew in 2011.
A short time after the book was published on Amazon, it was rated as #1 best seller in three categories (palmistry, psychology, psychiatry). Today it is sold also in the Chinese and Indian markets.
The first chirology study conducted in Abarbanel Mental Health Center in Tel-Aviv, Israel. Published in the Israel Journal of Psychiatry in 1999:
Review published on the Hebrew Psychology site Feb. 28, 2012:
The book, THE HAND – THE MIRROR OF THE SOUL, deals with chirology, the study of hand reading, and is based upon scientific studies in the field. In a structured way, the book presents the meanings of the features of the hands according to chirology, and their connection to potentials, tendencies and behavioral patterns.
THE HAND – THE MIRROR OF THE SOUL is a unique and innovative book in the field of hand reading. It contains scientific studies that anchor the validity of the assessment of chirological findings with scientific tools and statistical data. From the results of these studies emerges information that contributes to the ability to differentiate between a healthy person and the mentally ill. These studies point to the great research potential contained in this field and the contribution that it can bring to the research into the human psyche and the prevention of suffering.
Part 3 of the book deals with a list of topics, each of which is expressed through a complex of chirological data, not just a single sign. This is an integrative approach, unusual in other chirological books. The topics are different and varied. For instance: What factors in the hand point to higher intelligence? To developed intuition? or to creativity? or to a sense of humor? In this section, Brill cites the hand readings of three creative people ( authors and a poet); of two women who lived into very old age, in an attempt to answer the question if longevity can be seen in the hand; the readings of three comedians, and more.
But Talma Brill gives the greatest importance to the chapters dealing with stress, depression and suicidal tendencies. Several cases of soldiers and teenagers who ended their lives led her to enlist the tools of chirology for the early identification and possible prevention of these serious cases. Eventually, this led her to the psychiatric research she arranged at the Abarbanel Mental Health Center. The information in these chapters relevant for the field of the identification of depressive tendency and suicidal risk is new.
Parts I and II of the book uncover the meanings of the various features in the hand in a structured and gradual fashion. The study material of chirology appearing in these sections in a systematic way will facilitate the reader’s understanding of the complex meanings of the features on the hands and their connections with potentials, tendencies and behavioral patterns.
The book was written out of the authoress’ deep need to perpetuate and modernize the ancient science of hand reading. Its purpose is to point to the new possibilities of this tool to answer the human needs of our times in the beginning of the 21st century. Brill believes that in the right way and with serious study, it is possible to use hand reading to assess various human conditions while using valid research tools. Experience proves that hand reading has the potential to be a useful tool in the hands of therapists from varied fields.
There is a uniqueness in hand reading as an assessment tool in comparison to other tools that look into the human psyche. Other tools require the active participation of the one being assessed. They must talk, imagine, create, or communicate with a stranger. For those with tendencies toward anxiety or introversion, or those with other difficulties in communication (such as the deaf) this can present a barrier to properly seeing their potential. It is especially true with children and teenagers. On the other hand, chirology allows the potential to be seen without any participation by the assessed person. Additionally, a proper evaluation of the data by the chirologist done in a supportive atmosphere quickly arouses the person’s curiosity that leads to a sense of trust, which then facilitates the desired participation.
A Chapter from the book: The Hand – The Mirror of the Soul
Chapter 21: Stress and Distress– Press to download.
From the Foreword of the Book
“Talma Brill’s book, ‘The Hand – The Mirror of the Soul,’ presents theoretical and applied chirology in an understandable and clear way, while being a fascinating read. The book lays out the great complexity that exists in the palms of the hands and weaves for us the diverse and colorful canvases that comprise the unique personality of every human being. The book presents the possibility of seeing expressions of the tendencies that exist within us – as well as the possibilities for change. From my experience, I know that this knowledge has the power to give the person who comes for hand reading the possibility to leave it with new insights and equipped with tools that will facilitate change.”
Rina Porat, Clinical Psychologist, and Jungian Psychoanalyst